Content Posted in 2021
A call to action for human experience, Jason A. Wolf
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a unique patient experience response program that provided virtual, visual and emotional connectivity to patients and families during the COVID-19 crisis, Diane Burshtein and Donna Powers
An evidence-based tool (PE for PS) for healthcare managers to assess patient engagement for patient safety in healthcare organizations, Ursulla Aho-Glele, Marie-Pascale Pomey, Maiana Regina Gomes de Sousa, and Khayreddine Bouabida
A patient’s narrative of engaging HIV care: Lessons learned to harness resources and improve access to care, David Lessard, Serge Vicente, Patrick Keeler, and Bertrand Lebouché
Breaking barriers to equity: A conversation with Dr. Julia Iyasere, Jason A. Wolf PhD
Building patient participation in quality of care through the healthcare stories project: A demonstration program in New York State HIV clinics, Abigail Baim-Lance, Freda Coren, Margaret Brown, Hazel Lever, Daniel Tietz, and Bruce Agins
Comparing patient experience survey scores between telehealth and in-person ambulatory pediatric subspecialty visits, Sean T. Bomher, Matthew Wood, Elizabeth Uhlhorn, Sandro Marques, Lee Kwiatkowski, Natasa Tekic, Cameron D'Alpe, Natalie M. Pageler, and Lane F. Donnelly
Consumer representative experiences of partnership with health workers in Australia, Coralie R. Wales, Judith A. Lababedi, Alison Coles, Philip Lee, and Emma Clarke
Co-production development of a decision support tool for peers and service users to choose technologies to support recovery, Mbita Mbao, Yaara Zisman Ilani, Ali Gold, Amanda Myers, Robert Walker, and Karen L. Fortuna
Co-production of the quality of patient-centered outcomes research partnerships instrument for people with mental health conditions, Karen L. Fortuna, Amanda Myers, Jessica Brooks, Caroline Collins-Pisano, Skyla Marceau, Sarah Pratt, Kathy Lyons, Robert Walker, Shavon Thompson, Kaycie Greene, Willie Pringle, and Katina Carter
Delivery of patient education and support using an online digital platform for patients undergoing primary hip and knee replacement: The patient’s perspectives, Paul N. Baker and Natalie L. Clark
Exploring mental health experience in individuals living with temporomandibular disorders, Wafaa Safour and Richard Hovey
Focus on optimal health, not ideal health, John M. Roll
Health equity and quantifying the patient experience: A case study, Maria R. Moreno, Brandon Sherrets, Danielle J. Roberts, and Kristen Azar
His Story: “I would be better off dead”, Ronald Wyatt MD
How to address fear: A patient’s perspective of seeking care during COVID-19, Rosie Bartel, Sydney Hoel, Nasia Safdar, and Mary Jo Knobloch
Implementing PODS (Patient Oriented Discharge Summary) in an acute medical urban health setting in Vancouver, Canada, Agnes T. Black, Suzanne Nixon, MacLeod Meghan, Christine Wallsworth, Lena Cuthbertson, Beena Parappilly, Jay MacDonald, Kate McNamee, and Cheryl Prinzen
In divided times, a focus on human experience connects us, Jason A. Wolf
“I See What You Do”: A patient’s view of equity, Nikki (Charisse) Montgomery
Measuring cancer care experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia: Trial of a new approach that privileges patient voices, Monica Green, Joan Cunningham, Kate Anderson, Kalinda Griffiths, and Gail Garvey
Motivations, experiences, and aspirations in patient engagement of people living with metastatic cancer, Patricia L. Stoop and Leslie Duran
Moving from talk to action: A commitment to ensuring equity must ground our efforts to transform the human experience, Jason A. Wolf PhD
Needle phobia: How to improve the child's experience during blood drawing, Maria D. Navarro, Helena Illera, Bonaventura Ruíz, Montserrat Naudó, Núria Serrallonga, Sonia Tordera, David Kornmehl, Lola Crevillén, Ana Bosque, David Nadal, and Mercedes Jabalera
No visitors allowed: How health systems can better engage patients’ families during a pandemic, Jennifer Schlimgen and Amy Frye
Partnering with patients to design a prehabilitation program for optimizing the patient experience through general surgery, Jacqueline Francis-Coad, Dale Edgar, Caroline E. Bulsara, Alix Barrett-Lennard, Kristine Owen, David Fletcher, Fiona Wood, and Anne-Marie Hill
Patient and provider perspectives regarding criteria for patient prioritization in two specialized rehabilitation programs, Julien Déry, Angel Ruiz, François Routhier, Marie-Pierre Gagnon, André Côté, Daoud Ait-Kadi, Valérie Bélanger, and Marie-Eve Lamontagne
Patient engagement in an academic community-based primary care practice’s management committee: A case study, Emmanuelle Trépanier, Marie-Pascale Pomey, and Paule Lebel
Patients’ and family caregivers’ perceptions of doctor-to-doctor advice and electronic referral notifications in Alberta, Yong Li and Annabelle Wong
Patient satisfaction while enrolled in clinical trials: A literature review, Ilufredo Y. Tantoy, Andrea N. Bright, Evan Paelmo, Emily I. Moreland, Ashley N. Trost, Joan Pasquesi, Charlotta Weaver, and Richard T. D'Aquila
Patients’ experiences and satisfaction with health care in the Salah Azaiez Institute of Cancer in Tunisia in 2020, Hyem Khiari, Marwa Chraiet, Rym Mallekh, Ines Cherif, and Mohamed Hsairi
Perceptions of the healthcare system among stakeholders, Michael D. Markee, Christine Ascencio, Laura Brugger, Renee Jonas, and Hisako Matsuo
Rebuilding a foundation of trust: A call to action in creating a safe environment for everyone, Cynda H. Rushton, Laura J. Wood, Karen Grimley, Jerry Mansfield, Barbara Jacobs, and Jason A. Wolf
Reexamining “Defining Patient Experience”: The human experience in healthcare, Jason A. Wolf, Victoria Niederhauser, Dianne Marshburn, and Sherri L. LaVela
Safety participation at the direct care level: Results of a patient questionnaire, Lenora Duhn, Nathaniel Gumapac, and Jennifer Medves
Sociodemographic characteristics and patient and family experience survey response biases, Lauren N. Brinkman, Myra S. Saeed, Andrew F. Beck, Michael C. Ponti-Zins, Ndidi I. Unaka, Mary C. Burkhardt, Jareen Meinzen-Derr, and Samuel P. Hanke
Special Issue – July/August 2022: Elevating the human experience through caring for the healthcare workforce, Patient Experience Journal
Surveying pediatric caregivers’ readiness for dyad isolation in the hospital during COVID-19, Shanqing Yin, Mei Zi Quek, Celestine Mun Ting Yeo, Sylvia Mun, Ronghui Li, and Derrick Chan
Testing of Patients First in a real-world setting, as a patient experience accreditation tool for hospitals and clinics, Carlos Bezos, Rosa M. Salazar, and María Caballero
The association between an established Chief Experience Officer role and hospital patient experience scores, William Breen, Seongwon Choi, Kristina "Ria" Hearld, Stephen J. O'Connor, Edward Rafalski, and Nancy Borkowski
The effect of service excellence training: Examining providers' patient experience scores, Katelyn J. Cavanaugh, Monica A. Johnson, and Courtney L. Holladay
The experience, satisfaction, and Emergency Department utilization of pediatric patients with sickle cell disease during the Covid-19 pandemic, Alexandra E. Kirsch and Nataly Apollonsky
The experiences of rural British Columbians accessing surgical and obstetrical care, Aria Jazdarehee, Anshu Parajulee, and Jude Kornelsen
The impact of patient shadowing on service design: Insights from a family medicine clinic, Andrew S. Gallan, Bruce Perlow, Riddhi Shah, and Judith Gravdal
The influence of COVID-19 visitation restrictions on patient experience and safety outcomes: A critical role for subjective advocates, Geoffrey A. Silvera, Jason A. Wolf PhD, Anthony Stanowski, and Quint Studer
The paradoxical injunctions of partnership in care: Patient engagement and partnership between issues and challenges, Khayreddine Bouabida, Marie-Pascale Pomey, genevieve Cyr, Ursulla Aho-Glele, and Breitner Gomes Chaves
The Right PREMTM: Rasch analysis of a new patient reported experience measure for use by older people in hospital, Louise Heuzenroeder, Jyoti Khadka, and Alison Kitson
The “wreckage” left by the COVID-19 passage: Thoughts of a palliative care nurse, Angela Simões
Traversing barriers to health care among LGBTQ+ Latinx emerging adults: Utilizing patient experiences to model access, Rachel M. Schmitz and Jennifer Tabler
Using a multidisciplinary data approach to operationalize an experience framework, Kevin Spera, Garrett Holmes, and Sunni Barnes
Using design-thinking to investigate and improve patient experience, Jennifer Smiechowski, Megan Mercia, Kyle Kemp, Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Maria Santana, and Rahim Kachra