About PXJ
- About PXJ
- What Makes PXJ Unique?
- Call for Submissions
- Special Issues
- Objectives & Principles
- Patients Included
- Commitment to Positively Impacting Healthcare
- Editorial Board
- Call for Reviewers
- Indexing
- Stay Informed
- Contact Us
- Published by The Beryl Institute and supported by its global community.
- Provides authors global reach with readership in over 220 countries and territories.
- Delivers real-world change beyond an impact factor with an average of 2500 downloads per article in 2024.
- Open access always and no Article Publishing Charges (APCs) of any kind, ever.
- Implications for action in quality, safety or service efforts.
- Practices or programs occurring across the continuum of care.
- Efforts taking place across healthcare settings – from physician practices, to inpatient and pediatric environments, to long term and hospice care.
- Exploration of the implications of policy, governmental or system efforts or other models of care (e.g., population health management, medical homes, ACOs, etc.) and the sharing of proven practices.
- International submissions encouraged.
- Present a range of conceptual frameworks that can be used in addressing patient experience challenges
- Describe and document intervention techniques, consultation activities, emergent innovations, and educational practices that can influence and impact healthcare organizational decisions
- Employ a full range of research science – from pure survey-based qualitative and quantitative investigations to observation and ethnographic exploration that provide insights to patient experience
- Uncover new processes, programs and other opportunities for patient experience improvement
- Provide opportunities for patient and family voice to inform or influence research and practice through contributions via commentaries, sharing lived experiences or direct studies
- Independent Perspective. PXJ is a non-affiliated publication – meaning not directly vendor or provider related. As such, the journal is free to explore various areas, push boundaries and challenge conventions free of restrictions, considerations or organizational bias that impact patient experience.
- Interdisciplinary Scope. PXJ approaches its content from a multidisciplinary perspective. Acknowledging that thoughts impacting patient experience may come from the perspectives of executive management, quality, safety, operational or clinical leadership, patients, residents and families or a variety of other roles/disciplines from organizations around the world.
- Comprehensive Coverage. PXJ’s articles keep up with the evolution of the field and look to expand the conversation through innovation, providing the best and latest analyses on the spectrum of patient experience efforts encompassing service, quality and safety and include the voice of leaders, caregivers, patients and family members. Each volume will include a wide range of insightful and thought-provoking scholarship. Types of submissions sought are outlined in our author guidelines.
- At least two patients sit on the editorial board of the journal. We are committed to engaging all perspectives in our work and ensure at least two voices representing the perspective of patients or family members/caregivers on our editorial board.
- Patients routinely publish editorials, reviews, or research articles in the journal as authors. Patients and family members/caregivers are regular contributors to each issue including an invited patient/family commentary, peer reviewed research submissions as authors/co-authors and as providers of personal narratives.
- Patients serve as peer reviewers of submissions to the journal. As a double-blind, peer reviewed journal, the review process is extensive and inclusive, and engages individuals representing the breadth of voices across the healthcare spectrum from academics and researchers to practitioners and patients and family members/caregivers.
- The journal is an open access publication, with no barriers to access full text content. As an open access publication with no fees for engagement to submit or publish or to access the journal itself, we reinforce the critical need to ensure cutting edge research is accessible to all committed to the patient experience conversation.
- Researchers exploring patient, organizational and process issues that impact the delivery of service, quality and safety
- Healthcare professionals from a range of backgrounds and settings who want to base their practice on relevant knowledge and best practices
- Patients and family members who actively engage and/or by default are impacted by systemic and organizational healthcare decisions in their need for care
- Policymakers and other leaders examining the impact organizational, societal and policy decisions can have on the actions of patients and those working on the delivery of healthcare services.
About PXJ
Patient Experience Journal (PXJ) is an international, multidisciplinary, and multi-method, open-access, peer-reviewed, and patient-included journal published by The Beryl Institute, the global community of healthcare professionals and experience champions committed to transforming the human experience in healthcare.
PXJ is more than an academic journal. We publish practical and applicable research, knowledge, and insights that not only push the boundaries of evidence but also positively impact practice and policy, leading to better outcomes. Articles are selected for inclusion based on their rigor, relevance to the scope of the journal, and contribution to the field of patient experience. PXJ publishes three times annually, once in April and November, with a special issue in August of each year.
Articles from PXJ have been downloaded 1.4 million times since our launch in April 2014 by individuals representing over 24,000 institutions. In 2024 we had an acceptance rate of 47%.
What makes PXJ Unique?
With the guidance of our Editorial Board, and through the input and insights of our authors, reviewers, and readers, we remain a unique publication for healthcare research and knowledge in the following ways:
Call for Submissions
PXJ seeks submissions on an ongoing basis for future issues. Papers should address the full range of topics critical to the evaluation and impact of patient experience practices, efforts and influences including:To learn more about the type of pieces of interest to PXJ, please review our author guidelines. An overview of the review process is also available via those guidelines. You can start the submission process by clicking the "Submit Article" button to the top right of this page.
SPECIAL UPDATE: Effective August 8, 2024, PXJ will be moving to a new submission platform. All new articles will be submitted via Editorial Manager using the same "Submit Article" link above. For those authors with submissions in our current pipeline, your article will continue to reside on our current submissions platform until a final decision is reached or publication of your article.
Special Issues
Special Issue topics are determined by the editorial team of PXJ and are typically released in early August of each year. Special Issue submissions follow the same process and author guidelines as any issue submission. Potential authors are encouraged to review all submission guidelines and follow the process as outlined. The current call for submissions for our next special issue is pending and will be announced here.
Partnership, Collaboration and Co-Production in Experience Improvement: Engaging the Voice of Patients and Care Partners Beyond Surveys
This special issue of Patient Experience Journal (PXJ) will delve into the practices, processes, systems, and structures that organizations are using and researchers are exploring to effectively bring the collective expertise and lived experiences of those in healthcare with the intent of driving comprehensive solutions and lasting experience improvement. The issue seeks research and practices exploring and applying innovative means of actively engaging and acting on patient, care partner and community voices, including processes of coproduction, collaborative improvement and alternative paths for inviting, collecting and using input that has led to improvement efforts and measurable outcomes. As the healthcare ecosystem adjusts to how consumers of care provide feedback and where valuable input can be identified and engaged, a commitment to human experience calls on us to ensure the most effective, easy, and impactful avenues for gathering and acting on the voices of all we serve. This special issue will be released in August of 2025. Articles for this special issue should be designated as such in the accompanying cover letter at the time of submission. The deadline for submission for his special issue is April 18, 2025.
Objectives & Principles
With a diverse healthcare audience in mind, PXJ publishes a variety of articles designed to help individuals and organizations enact positive, successful patient experience actions and efforts and transform the human experience in healthcare. The specific objectives of the journal are to:
Three core principles guide the work of PXJ to support our commitment:
Patients Included
PXJ is an active advocate for and supporter of the Patients Included movement and the newest charter to provide Patients Included Journals. With this commitment, we have intentionally worked to achieve the following criteria:
Commitment to Positively Impacting Healthcare
PXJ brings scholars, healthcare professionals, patients and families together to engage in the latest discussion of efforts to improve the patient experience. The journal provides scholars the best in research, theory, and methodology, while also informing professionals on issues that will impact their work along the healthcare continuum and across the range of healthcare settings from primary to acute care, long term care to home health, outpatient efforts to surgery centers, and more. It also provides an outlet for patients and families to share their perspectives and experiences. The unifying concept for all articles in PXJ will be a focus on patient experience, broadly defined, and a commitment to transforming the human experience in healthcare. Specifically, PXJ is focused on four related audiences:
Stay Informed
As an open-access publication we do not have formal subscriptions, but we invite you to follow us on: Twitter: @pxjournal LinkedIn: Patient Experience Journal
Contact Us
For inquiries regarding Patient Experience Journal please contact:
Our mailing address is 1831 12th Avenue South, #212, Nashville, TN 37203.