When consistently executed, leader rounding has the ability to capture actionable information ensuring delivery of safe and effective patient care, identifying excellence among staff, and bringing opportunities for improvement. Our team set out to create an effective, standardized approach to targeted, daily, technology-driven leader rounding with the goal of integrating real-time patient feedback into the care experience. An application on handheld computer tablets was tailored and integrated with the hospital’s admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) feed, allowing for streamlining of the rounding process by creation of workflow templates. Additionally, capabilities to receive and send alerts across disciplines were integrated in order to respond to patient concerns in real-time. Patients who perceived they were rounded on had 3.53 greater odds of reporting top box scores for Overall Rating of Care compared to patients who perceived they were not rounded on (p<0.001). Patients with documentation that rounding occurred, who also self-reported that rounding occurred, were at 3.43 greater odds of providing a top-box score than patients with documentation that rounding occurred but who did not perceive they were rounded on (p<0.001). Efforts to round and to ensure patients know they are being rounded on may lead to improved patient experience.
Recommended Citation
Tothy A, Sastry SK, Springman MK, Limper HM, Fahrenbach J, Murphy SM. Transforming care through bedside leader rounding: Use of handheld technology leads to improvement in perceived patient satisfaction. Patient Experience Journal. 2018; 5(3):41-46. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1254.
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