



Rebuilding a foundation of trust: A call to action in creating a safe environment for everyone
Cynda H. Rushton, Laura J. Wood, Karen Grimley, Jerry Mansfield, Barbara Jacobs, and Jason A. Wolf

Personal Narratives


How to address fear: A patient’s perspective of seeking care during COVID-19
Rosie Bartel, Sydney Hoel, Nasia Safdar, and Mary Jo Knobloch



Using design-thinking to investigate and improve patient experience
Jennifer Smiechowski, Megan Mercia, Kyle Kemp, Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Maria Santana, and Rahim Kachra


Co-production development of a decision support tool for peers and service users to choose technologies to support recovery
Mbita Mbao, Yaara Zisman Ilani, Ali Gold, Amanda Myers, Robert Walker, and Karen L. Fortuna


Consumer representative experiences of partnership with health workers in Australia
Coralie R. Wales, Judith A. Lababedi, Alison Coles, Philip Lee, and Emma Clarke


Perceptions of the healthcare system among stakeholders
Michael D. Markee, Christine Ascencio, Laura Brugger, Renee Jonas, and Hisako Matsuo


Comparing patient experience survey scores between telehealth and in-person ambulatory pediatric subspecialty visits
Sean T. Bomher, Matthew Wood, Elizabeth Uhlhorn, Sandro Marques, Lee Kwiatkowski, Natasa Tekic, Cameron D'Alpe, Natalie M. Pageler, and Lane F. Donnelly


The effect of service excellence training: Examining providers' patient experience scores
Katelyn J. Cavanaugh, Monica A. Johnson, and Courtney L. Holladay


Implementing PODS (Patient Oriented Discharge Summary) in an acute medical urban health setting in Vancouver, Canada
Agnes T. Black, Suzanne Nixon, MacLeod Meghan, Christine Wallsworth, Lena Cuthbertson, Beena Parappilly, Jay MacDonald, Kate McNamee, and Cheryl Prinzen


Patient satisfaction while enrolled in clinical trials: A literature review
Ilufredo Y. Tantoy, Andrea N. Bright, Evan Paelmo, Emily I. Moreland, Ashley N. Trost, Joan Pasquesi, Charlotta Weaver, and Richard T. D'Aquila

Case Studies